Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Study Task 2

At the very first part of the book, Storey clarified the way we define popular culture with the term ’culture’, where it is ’one of the two or three most complicated words in the English Language’, suggested by Raymond Williams, it is not only restricted to a word but a massive definition. Culture can be refer to ‘a general process of intellectual, spiritual and aesthetic development’, yet it can represent a huge part of the culture part of a country. He also suggested that ‘culture’ can be interpreted as ‘a particular way of life, whether of a people, a period or a group’. This definition is suggested when speaking of the cultural development, analysing the evolvement through a period of time of people or groups of people. Furthermore it is not only restricted to a narrow range of cultural products but also literacy and religious for instance. Storey suggested that culture is ‘synonymous with that structuralists and post-structuralists’ where poetry novel, opera and fine art and these sorts of art usually defined as high culture. In conclusion, popular culture usually means to ‘mobilize the second and third meaning of the word ‘culture’’, that allow us to consider pop music, comics and soap opera (Storey, [2008], 2).

Source: https://drive.google.com/a/students.leeds-art.ac.uk/file/d/0B-4SIkiY5HDGejBPV0lRYk82YzQ/view

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