Wednesday 3 February 2016

Lecture: The Design as Social Critic

In the late age of print, Gutenberg's printing press,1440, has started the mass produce of printed products, and it is was when it spread out.

The mass image culture:
New royal academy is the first art school, the ideas of fime art and rest of creative production been trained to make historical propaganda oil painting for money purpose of famous peopel from past.

Culture and popular culture:
urbanization of royal vreses working class, making of a working class of two different cultures, which are always in confix. People starts to produce political cultures and political threads. New sorts of urban culture of selling reproduction of paintings, and starts the reproduce of art. The reproduction has chosen the simple grey scaled, as it is easier to mass produce.
Hence at that time, mass culture is everything being standatd, and traditional authority of what's good and beautiful are rebuild.

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