Friday 17 November 2017

Academic resources update

Japanese Visual Culture
Macwilliams, M. (2015). Japanese visual culture. Abingdon [u.a.]: Routledge.

Contemporary Youth Culture: An International Encyclopedia, P198
Parmar, P., Richard, B. and Steinberg, S. (2006). Contemporary youth culture. Westport, Conn. [u.a.]: Greenwood Press.

"After World War II was lost, there was little need for this sort of animation, or indeed any animation at all."
A Hundred Years of Japanese Film: A Concise History, with a Selective Guide, P257
Richie, D. (2012). A hundred years of japanese film. New York: Kodansha.

"Many of the cartoons of World War II feature American characters not only defeating Japanese caricatures on battlefields but also killing them completely. Rarely do figures representing the Japanese armed forces survive to the end of an American cartoon."
American Animated Cartoons of the Vietnam Era: A Study of Social Commentary, p165
Lehman, C. (2007). American animated cartoons of the Vietnam era. Jefferson, NC [u.a.]: McFarland.

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